
Morteza Hashemi
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of Kansas
Teaching Office: 2046 Eaton Hall
Research Office: 359 Nichols Hall
Phone: 785-864-3878
E-mail: mhashemi@ku.edu
Short Bio: I am an Assistant Professor at the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department of the University of Kansas. I received my MSc and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from Boston University in 2013 and 2015, and my BSc degree from Sharif University of Technology. I was a postdoctoral researcher and senior lecturer at the Ohio State University 2015-2018. My research interest spans the areas of wireless and mmWave communication, networked systems, and applications of machine learning in these areas.
- I am always looking for motivated PhD and MS students to join my group. Research areas include communication and networked systems, wireless communication, and applications of machine learning. If interested, please send me an email with your CV and transcripts.
Research Interests
- Data Networks
- Wireless and mmWave Communications
- Cloud and Edge Computing
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Machine Learning and Control
Recent News
- [NSF Grant -- August 2023] Received an NSF grant on developing Internet Measurement tools for rural areas of the US.
- [August 2023] Four papers have been accepted for presentation at the GLOBECOM, Allerton, and Asilomar conferences. Congrats to Sravan, Amin, Babak, and Masoud!
- [October 2022] I will serve on the TPC of IEEE WOWMOM 2023.
- [NSF Grant -- August 2022] Participating as a Co-PI in a three-year project on Rural Communication and Computation.
- [Outreach -- May 2022] I am organizing the Jayhawk Wireless Summer Camp for high school students in summer 2022. The camp focuses on fun hands-on activities involving software-defined radios (SDR).
- [Award -- May 2022] I am selected as the recipient of the School of Engineering Bellows Scholar Award in 2022.
- [April 2022] Serving as a Review Editor in the Frontiers in High Performance Computing - Cloud Computing journal.
- [KU Research Grant -- March 2022] Received a 1-year grant from KU Research GO.
- [Grant -- January 2022] Participating as a Co-PI in a three-year project on spectrum management system (with C. Brinton and D. Love (Purdue) and T. Kim (KU)).
[December 2021] Ashwin Rathore has successfully defended his MS project. Congratulations! - [September 2021] Chanaka Samarathungage has successfully defended his MS thesis. Congratulations!
- [Award -- May 2021] I was selected as the recipient of the School of Engineering Bellows Scholar Award in 2021.
- [May 2021] Chuan Sun has successfully defended his MS thesis on ML-based user positioning and optimal configuration of intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRS). Congratulations!
- [April 2021] I will serve on the TPC of WiOpt 2021.
- [Grant -- October 2020] Serving as the PI in a 3-year project on wireless spectrum access (Mississippi State University, lead institution)
- [Aug. 2020] Three papers have been accepted for presentation at the GLOBECOM, SmartGridComm, and North American Power Symposium (NAPS).
- [Aug. 2020] I will serve on the TPC of IEEE WCNC 2021.
- [July 2020] Participating as a Co-PI in the final round of competition to establish a platform for advanced wireless research (PAWR) focused on rural broadband.
- [NSF Grant -- July 2020] Received a 3-year NSF grant on low-latency mmWave networking (with the Ohio State University, lead institution).
- [Donation -- June 2020] Received Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC, Kintex-7 FPGA Evaluation Kit, and Pynq-Z2 board as donations from Xilinx.
- [April 2020] Co-PI for a new project on Spectrum Machine Learning (with C. Brinton and D. Love (Purdue) and T. Kim (KU)).
- [NSF Grant -- March 2020] Received a two-year award from NSF.
- [Dec. 2019] One paper (joint with Purdue) has been accepted by INFOCOM 2020.
- [Sept. 2019] One paper has been accepted by Asilomar 2019.
- [Aug. 2019] I will serve on the TPC of IEEE WCNC 2020.
- [Industry Grant -- April 2019] Received a two-year award from Sony US Research Center.
- [Jan. 2019] One paper has been accepted by WiOpt 2019.
- [Jan. 2019] I joined the EECS department at KU!
- [Dec. 2018] Three patents on mmWave networks have been filed.
- [Dec. 2018] I will serve on the TPC of Wi-DroIT 2019 Workshop (Wireless sensors and Drones in the Internet of Things) and IEEE MiSARN 2019 Workshop (Mission-Oriented Wireless Sensor, UAV and Robot Networking).